Saturday, April 19, 2014

I Heart Vrajavasis

As I have had the great good fortune to be in Vrindavan Dham for eight months now, engaging in bhakti-yoga at an ashram. I promise no amount of words or pictures can describe the Dham, the Vrajavasis (residents of Vrindavan), the culture and the mood here. Actually even being in the midst of it, it still remains intangible and ever-changing. Maybe that is why I have been so silent for so long. If I cannot grasp this place, this experience, and what I am hearing in hari-katha (hearing about Krishna), how can I try to share them with anyone else? Plus, to what extent do I openly share the things very near and dear to my heart? However, I pray to Guru and Gauranga that I can post something of value and let my family, friends, and well-wishers know something of my engagement here-- there are so many people back home who have supported and inspired my decision to set off on this journey, who are taking care of my doggie, storing my furnishings, receiving my mail, etc. If not for such great people in my life, I would not be in Vrindavan. So for them and others who may be interested in this topic, here goes my first blog post...
Radha Lalita Madhva
     Probably four out of five people who walk the streets of Vrindavan own a t-shirt that says, "I lost my heart in Vrindavan". That pretty much sums it up. What is the reason for losing our hearts? Simple- because of love. No matter where you are in the Dham, you can always hear "Radhe Radhe", "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna", kirtans resounding, san-kirtans, and aratis. Most buildings are actually temples, and behind every residential door, the family is serving their deities. Everywhere you look, you see spiritual paraphernalia- in shops and temples, what people are wearing, etc. All these sounds and paraphernalias are indicators of the mood here- the Vrajavasi's love for Sri Sri Radha-Krishna and reminders of Their love for us. It is hard to forget The Divine Couple, even for a moment in the land of Vrindavan.
     But Sri Krsna and Srimati Radharani only appear to us (well, those of us in the majority who have only material vision) in the deity form. We cannot interact with them. So Krsna mercifully sends His representatives, the pure devotees (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.28.55). They are living simple, saintly lives - their only aim for living and breathing is to lovingly serve the highest aim of life, Bhagavan Svyam Sri Krsna Himself. While I cannot realize the immense love that Sri Krsna has for me, I can, at least to some extent of my limited capacity, see and experience the pure love of His devotees who are trying to help guide all of us back to Him, as Srila Swami Prabhupada says, "Back home, back to Godhead". These pure devotees not only love Krsna and Radharani with all their hearts, they love each and every living entity, too, understanding that all are Krsna's parts and parcels (Bhagavad-gita, 15.7).
     Vrindavan is Rhadarani's land- She who has the topmost love for Sri Krsna. It is a place of associating with saintly people and a safe-haven for us when we are ready to start the process of reawakening love in our hearts (Caitanya-caritämåta, Madhya 22. 107) - pure love, not selfishly motivated, material lust that we experience in our Western, materially-minded relationships. And it is reawakened through the process of bhakti-yoga, mainly chanting the maha-mantra, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. In one respect it is a very inward journey, a time to heal, grow and try to discover who I really am. In another respect it is a very outward process, building friendships with other devotees and learning to treat others with utmost respect and kindness.
     So, in a nutshell, I am in Vrindavan hearing from saintly people and aspiring devotees, chanting the Holy Name, and remembering Sri Sri Radha-Krishna with the hope that one day, one life, I can follow in the footsteps of the Vrajavasis. I am also engaged in book seva, helping to publish in English (and all other languages) the spiritual books of India - of our guru-parampara - which I know will give so many people who have never before had access to these transcendental books peace of mind and open new ways of thinking.
    Those who know me best, I hope you are smiling and thinking, "Of course she is." ;)

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