Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Original Nightclub Crawl

Yesterday, especially last night was a very special day in the Dham; a big festival was held here- Chandan Yatra! Because this day marks the intense heat of summer, Radha and Krishna are cooled by chandan, sandalwood paste. It is placed on their bodies, covering them head to toe; it looks like they got a complete makeover! They are nearly beyond recognition! The chandan can be very detailed and beautiful; I liken it to the fondit decorating an elaborate wedding cake. Being the first time I had seen deities covered in chandan, I was really astonished at their transformation and how lovely they look.
     To celebrate this day, all the temples in Vraja prepare a feast for Radha-Krishna including cooling, flavorful drinks and snacks, like sweetened rosewater, limeade, fresh fruits and cucumbers. Afterward, we all get to honor prasada (eat their food remnants but trying to have an attitude of serving versus enjoying).
     The day was special, but the night was absolutely amazing! The streets were completely filled with crowds of people wandering temple to temple to have darshan (see the deities), and inside the temples was music, dancing, festivities, etc. Each temple had its own flavor, its own unique mood. Like in America and other places I'm sure, many of us have attended Club Crawls at night, going from one club to the next experiencing different music styles, visuals, atmosphere, fighting the crowds, etc. It was kind of like that, but this was centered around Radha-Krishna- it was for their pleasure; whereas club crawls are centered around... I guess our own enjoying spirit.
    I'd like to share the different darshans and a little bit about the atmospheres at each temple. At Krishna Balaram Mandir, the atmosphere was traditional Indian style, as Hindi bhajanas rang through the temple space. Some people were dancing for the deities, but mostly people sat and relaxed and took their darshan. (see pics below).
Radha Lalita Madhava at Krishna Balaram Mandir are decorated with chandan

Krishna Balaram Mandir has a traditional feel- Hindi bhajans, fairly low key
     Rupa-Sanatana Temple had a totally different feel. Sri Krishna was the only deity cooled down with chandan (not Radharani or Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu). So Krishna really stands out (see pic below). It was a club atmosphere inside. The bhajans actually had a techno-style beat. How it is possible, I don't know. But it led to a high energy crowd dancing, smiling and really feeling the beat!
Sri Krishna at Rupa-Sanatana Gaudiya Matha is decorated with chandan
     Finally, I went to Radha-Damodar Temple see pics below). It was magnificent! It seemed to be the most popular place because it was shoulder to shoulder crowded, you had to push your way through the thick crowd to  enter and exit the temple and to get close enough to see the deities. All the Radha-Krishna deities at Radha-Damodar Temple (there are four sets) were decorated in chandan. There was music playing- bhajanas colored with a hint of punk rock. Really. The ambiance was definitely like a music concert. People were throwing their hands in the air, there was a bit of a mash-pit in the front, there were even crazy fluorescent green drinks (non-alcoholic of course). The difference, however, is if a live band is on the stage at a music concert or club in America, then audience is enjoying the performance. But in Vrindavan Dham, actually when the curtains open, the deities are enjoying us. Vrajavasis have an attitude that I am dancing, singing, or standing in front of the deities for their pleasure,not mine. Actually, the deities are having darshan of me. It's a win-win!
Lalita Radha-Damadara steal the show

Decorations at Radha-Damodar temple

The deities are on the stage as countless numbers of people come for darshan

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Smiles are Contagious

First of all I offer my unlimited obeisances at the lotus feet of my Guru Maharaja, Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Damodara Maharaja. Praying for a particle of mercy to be able to say something of value.

Remember the last time you felt lousy about yourself... something happened to you, and you wish you had acted differently, been stronger, taken a stand? But you were just a coward and felt terrible afterward? And then we keep replaying the scene in your head, like, "Oh, I should have, could have, would have, but didn't." I will not go into detail about the incident, but with each sunrise is a new day, right? And with each prayer comes answers, in some form or another.... Especially in Vrindavan Dham, praying for mercy or to receive a sign of some sort has almost eerie and instantaneous results.
    I got the answer I needed just before Yogamaya Arati began. I looked out to the street and saw a cow walking by- she lowered her head (which had horns) and headbutted a monkey who was sitting on a storefront stoop. Maybe the monkey was antagonizing her, I don't know. (Actually, it wasn't until this happened that I realized cows have horns-- I though it was just bulls.) But there was my answer, so simple and clear, "Sometimes a girl just needs to grow horns and headbutt a two-legged monkey." 
Cow with horns

     So in Vrindavan Dham it doesn't just rain mercy, sometimes it pours. Some really beautiful things subsequently happened at Radha-Damodar Temple...
     Today when I offered a garland, the pujari immediately put it around the neck Radha (wearing the orange garland) who is with Madhva (see pic below). Today is the first time the deities accepted the garland right away. Surely that is mercy! And Radha-Madhva were smiling! Note: Today I realized that for anyone staying long-term in Vrindavan, weekdays might be a better time to offer garlands because there are fewer visitors than on weekends when many visitors bring offerings.
Radha-Madhva at Radha-Damodar Temple, worshiped by Jaidev Goswami
     Then I received mercy from the Vaisnavas. For example, when I walked by the pushpa-samadhi of Sri Srimad Bhakti Promoda Puri Maharaja, a god brother of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, his door was open and someone gave me maha-prasada (food remnants) from his pushpa-samhadi. He is always smiling!
Pushpa-samadhi of Bhakti Promoda Puri Maharaja
     Finally, I took a snapshot of a cow smiling :) She is probably just chewing, but still, it is a happy cow pic! The cows at Radha-Damodar Temple must be very happy since the are serving the deities by providing their milk! And cows are very dear to Sri Krishna!
California claims to have happy cows, but really they are in Vrindavan!
     So the deities are smiling, the Vaisnavas are smiling and the cows are smiling. So what is there to do besides join them?! Of course, in actuality, this can all be chalked up to mercy of my Guru Maharaja! Jai Gurudeva!